Android 14 Beta 2 ist für Pixel Phones verfügbar

Android 14 Logo
Quelle: Google

Google hat die zweite Beta-Version von Android 14 für geeignete Pixel-Geräte veröffentlicht. Die erste Beta-Version war voller Fehler, was Google dazu veranlasste, nur zwei Wochen später ein Beta 1.1-Update zu veröffentlichen. Leider wurden mit diesem Update nur die gröbsten Fehler behoben, so dass die Nutzer weiterhin mit vielen Problemen zu kämpfen hatten. Die neue Beta-Version verspricht jedoch, diese Probleme zu beheben und neue Funktionen einzuführen.

In den Versionshinweisen zu dieser neuen Beta-Version sind jedoch nur einige neue Funktionen aufgeführt, gefolgt von einer umfassenden Liste von Fehlerbehebungen.

Android 14 Beta 2 Changelog

Von den Entwicklern gemeldete Probleme:

  • Fixed a platform stability issue that could cause the UI to lag or freeze, apps to crash, or the device to crash.
  • Fixed an issue with the fingerprint sensor that prevented new fingerprints from being added for Fingerprint Unlock in some cases.
  • Fixed issues with UPI and biometrics that could cause some apps to not work properly.
  • Fixed an issue where a device couldn’t be unlocked using a fingerprint after tapping a notification or choosing a notification action on the lock screen.
  • Fixed an issue on some devices that caused sound to play through the speakers instead of headphones that were connected.
  • Fixed an issue that caused icons on the home screen to appear almost invisible.
  • Fixed issues with gesture navigation that occurred when using a custom launcher:
    • The Home screen content wouldn’t display and the animation would fail to render when swiping up to go Home.
    • The list of recently used apps couldn’t be accessed using the normal gesture.
  • Fixed issues that prevented users from interacting with notifications in the notification shade.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a device to crash after finishing audio or video calls.

Andere gelöste Probleme:

  • Fixed an issue where, after entering and exiting picture-in-picture mode, the screen flickered when any apps were launched.
  • Fixed an issue where user restrictions set by DPC admins were not being enforced in Settings.
  • Fixed an issue where, after taking pictures with the Google Camera app, opening the latest picture from the thumbnail in the app briefly displayed a green-colored shade over the image.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the battery percentage to be displayed as 0% after a device reboot regardless of the actual charge level of the device.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a device to crash, and then when the device rebooted any wallpapers that were selected before the reboot were reset.
  • Fixed issues that prevented the Better Bug app from uploading bug reports.
  • Fixed issues that caused the back-to-home gesture to stop working.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the system Settings app to crash repeatedly.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from searching within the system Settings app.
  • Fixed issues that sometimes caused null pointer exceptions for input method editors (IMEs).
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes increased system-wide memory usage unnecessarily.
  • Fixed system issues that could sometimes cause deadlocks.

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