Firefox 125.0.1 zur Installation verfügbar

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Quelle: Mozilla Corporation

Firefox wurde heute in der neuen Version 125.0.1 veröffentlicht. Mit dieser Version kommt nur ein Bugfix-Update bei den Usern an, wie die neue kleine Versionsnummer bereits vermuten lässt.

Mit Version 125.0.1 kommt nun ein weiteres Update für den Browser. Mit der neuen Version wurden kleinere Fehler behoben, es gibt keine Verbesserungen oder Neuerungen.

Firefox 125.0.1 Changelog


  • Firefox now supports the AV1 codec for Encrypted Media Extensions (EME), enabling higher-quality playback from video streaming providers.
  • The Firefox PDF viewer now supports text highlighting.This feature is part of a progressive roll out.What is a progressive roll out?
  • Firefox View now displays pinned tabs in the Open tabs section. Tab indicators have also been added to Open tabs, so users can do things like see which tabs are playing media and quickly mute or unmute across windows. Indicators were also added for bookmarks, tabs with notifications, and more!
  • Firefox now prompts users in the US and Canada to save their addresses upon submitting an address form, allowing Firefox to autofill stored address information in the future.
  • Firefox now more proactively blocks downloads from URLs that are considered to be potentially untrustworthy.
  • The URL Paste Suggestion feature provides a convenient way for users to quickly visit URLs copied to the clipboard in the address bar of Firefox. When the clipboard contains a URL and the URL bar is focused, an autocomplete result appears automatically. Activating the clipboard suggestion will navigate the user to the URL with 1 click.
  • Users of tab-specific Container add-ons can now search in the Address Bar for tabs that are open in different containers. Special thanks to volunteer contributor atararx for kicking off the work on this feature!
  • Firefox now provides an option to enable Web Proxy Auto-Discovery (WPAD) while configured to use system proxy settings.



  • In a group of radio buttons where no option is selected, the tab key now only reaches the first option rather than cycling through all available options. The arrow keys navigate between options as they do when there is a selected option. This makes keyboard navigation more efficient and consistent.


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